Gamer’s Domain: Dishonored Review

Levi Castle

I expected Dishonored to blow me away with gameplay, graphics and functionality in the city of Dunwall. After a week with the game, let’s see how well it lived up to my expectations.

Dishonored is a framed-guy-gone-rogue game, and the story is semi-engaging at best. I honestly just saw it as an excuse to get the player to as many different locations as possible, and in that sense the game really succeeded. I loved the variety of places I was allowed to go. I say “allowed” because the game is not open world as I expected. Instead, each part of Dunwall is revealed to you in the form of a mission, which is, simply put, like a miniature open world. However, there are so many way to accomplish your goals and maneuvers in each mission that it still felt somewhat like a sandbox.

Speaking of maneuverability, leaping around rooftops and alleyways is so much fun. By far, the Blink ability granted to you is the one you’ll use most, as it lets you effortlessly outpace and outsmart your enemies and obstacles. I loved blinking 30 yards right behind an enemy, assassinating him, and then appearing on the rooftops before his body even hit the ground. This is where the game really shows its potential — when you feel like you are in complete control. Every so often I would feel as awesome as the guy running around in the trailer.

Though I didn’t enjoy the save system at first (it’s like Skyrim and Fallout’s, where it’d pretty much up to you to save and if you don’t, you’re gonna have a bad time), I got used to it just like I did in Bethesda’s other games. Later on, you’ll really appreciate being able to save at any time, despite the potential cost of forgetting and having to redo lots of work.

Upgrading is pretty simplistic, and I was surprised with the lack of gear customization and variety in the game. This definitely feels like the first of a series, which only made me happier when Arkane and Bethesda announced that it would get a sequel. I can’t wait to see what they do with the next one, but this was a valiant start. It’s engaging and deep enough to warrant searching for cash and upgrade items (called runes), but this is no Skyrim crafting system. I’m not saying it has to be that elaborate, but the fact that I can’t even change my sword, which is always equipped, is a bit disappointing.

I am enjoying my time with Dishonored and would surely recommend it as a rent, but not as a buy. If it were more open world, that may change, but replayability is limited to just going through the missions again, with the same buildings and enemies as the first time. This is another thing that would be a welcome addition for the sequel.

All in all, Dishonored is a great game and has made sure I keep an eye out for more news on it.

Dishonored gets a 4/5