GSB Update

Katie Grunewald

The Government of Student Body will have its weekly meeting tonight at 7:00 in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union


The GSB Senate will vote on three bills, and have a first read of another.


“Funding for SCUM shows during VEISHEA” gives the Society for Chemistry Undergraduate Majors $200 for the chemicals they use to showcase chemistry experiments during the weekend of VEISHEA.


“A KURE For Boredom” allocates $3,316.65 from the Capital Projects Account for an equipment upgrade for JURE 88.5, Ames Alternative Radio.


The last bill the GSB Senate will vote on is “Swim, Cycle, and Run down to Tempe AZ.” This would fund half, or $1,785, of the Iowa State Triathlon Club’s trip to USAT Collegiate Nationals in Tempe, Az. Various other student organizations will fund the other $1,785.