Editorial: Conservatism requires progress, not clinging to ideological laws

Editorial Board

Often, conservatives get denigrated as being “leftists.” Those detractors most often are Republicans who consider themselves conservatives but, unfortunately, have co-opted the Republican Party and claim to speak for those decent and sane citizens who really are genuine Republicans and conservatives.

While our word limit prevents us from giving a run-down of true conservatism and the outstanding history of the Republican Party, from its creation in Lincoln’s era through the Civil Rights movement only a few decades ago, suffice it to say conservatism is defined by an adherence to traditions, principles and the law, and deliberate change to all.

The American Republic is an experiment — the direct result of the Revolution, which was a liberal act of change. The goal of the Revolution was to re-establish a system of government and laws that would allow that respect, while also allowing citizens to change their government and laws to suit circumstances.

The American Republic was designed to be both conservative and liberal. Because the founders felt the rights of man were timeless principles, in the formation of the Republic, they didn’t create freedom for America; their accomplishment was creating America for freedom.

Freedom is an ever expanding concept, moving outwards to include more people in more situations.

In the 1860s, freedom in America expanded to include black people. In the 1910s, it expanded to include women. And in the 1960s, it expanded once more for minorities to rectify earlier deficiencies. These all were truly conservative actions, using established laws and principles to include more individuals under the mantle of freedom — the ultimate and oldest conservative principle.

Any time a class of people has been left outside the established boundaries of freedom, real conservatives have acted to fix that oversight. Today, we are faced with the exclusion of homosexuals from the enjoyment of several traditional rights and privileges enjoyed by heterosexual citizens. Many legislative acts and social movements seek to deny gays and lesbians the full enjoyment of the panoply of freedoms.

Sadly, it is the fake Republicans and conservatives behind this. For the sake of the Republic, once-Grand Old Party, heal thyself by refusing to indulge radical ideologues who seek only their narrow principles, and embrace conservatism.