Toys For Tots and music department join for charity concert

Toys for Tots concert

Cj Eilers

The Martha-Ellen Tye Recital Hall will be host to a concert in order to raise money and collect toys for Toys for Tots.

The concert is organized mainly by sorority Sigma Alpha Iota, which has been serving the ISU Music Department since 1925. The sorority started the event four years ago and have continually worked to improve the event.

“The music department makes this event possible,” said Janee Becker, the vice president of the sorority. “The faculty volunteer to play at the concert, the department helps publicize the event, and let us have the recital hall for the event.”

Sigma Alpha Iota, however, coordinates all efforts to planning the concert. In order to get into the concert, one must make a donation of money or a new, unwrapped toy. After collecting the donations and toys, the sorority delivers the gifts to the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, which distributes the gifts to children all over Iowa.

While the larger student ensembles will not be performing at the concert, faculty volunteers and students will be the entertainment. George Work, professor of music, will be performing a cello duet with one of his students, Yeil Park. Other faculty performances will be Heather Peyton for an oboe solo and a percussion duet of Julie Sturm and Matthew Coley. Music student Zach Howell will also be performing a vocal solo for the events.

Last year, Sigma Alpha Iota raised more than a thousand dollars and collected more than 150 toys, and this year’s hope is to collect even more.

“Our goal each year is to one up the last year,” Becker said. “We’ve done that each year so far, and we just want to raise as much money as we can.”

Although an official number for how many have attended in the past few years was not available, the concert last year packed the recital hall, and the same result is expected this year.

A reception will follow the concert in the music hall lobby, just outside of the recital hall. Punch will be served, as well as cookies, cupcakes, and meat and cheeses.

Toys for Tots Concert

Where: Martha-Ellen Tye Recital Hall

When: Thursday, 7:30 p.m.

Cost: Donation of either money or an unwrapped toy