Residents express concern about Ames’ parks during City Council meeting


Citizens’ concerns over city parks and the library led the discussion at this week’s City Council meeting.

The discussion over the staff report for the use of school district property dominated the evening, and many residents came to share their opinions on the matter. The conversation focused on Roosevelt Park and how city land use would affect it.

The main concern among Ames residents seemed to be the possibility of the park getting smaller.

One resident said, “The building might be vacant, but that land is constantly in use.”

Many residents came to the podium to defend the park and stress its continued importance.

“This space continues to be vital to our families and community,” said one resident.

The city did not make any clear decisions regarding how they will use the land if they receive it but voted to accept any land given to them by the school board.

Lynne Carey, director of the Ames Public Library, was present to update the council on the status of the library remodeling project. Carey said they are planning on opening Dec. 10 but may be ready a couple of days earlier.

“We’re happy to report we’re ahead of schedule,” Carey said.

This week’s City Council meeting was also unconventional due to the absence of City Council members and the mayor.

Thomas Wacha, Matthew Goodman and Victoria Szopinski were all attending a national meeting for city council members but through FaceTime from Boston. Mayor Ann Campbell was also absent from the meeting, so council member Jami Larson acted as mayor pro tempore.

The meeting also covered supplying water to Kelley, Iowa, and a new battery in the power plant.