Letter to the editor: Obama presidency has focused on campaign, not leadership
October 18, 2012
As a junior at Iowa State, I am concerned by the direction — or lack thereof — our country is headed under the current administration. One of the president’s main responsibilities is to ensure that a new budget is passed for every fiscal year. Three out of the four years President Barack Obama has been in office, a new budget has not been passed. That’s 25 percent. I’m not sure how things are to work in Washington, but on campus, that’s a failing record.
I think most Americans were raised in the manner that “If something is broken, you fix it.” I know I was. You don’t talk and talk about how much better something could be in a campaign speech and wind up doing absolutely nothing. That’s the opposite of leadership.
The failure of passing a budget has led to four straight years of over $1 trillion in deficit spending. One trillion dollars is an unfathomable about of money, and our generation is stuck with the task of paying off four of those. Thank you, Mr. President.