Cytennial Homecoming brings together new and old traditions
October 21, 2012
Happy 100th anniversary to our very own Iowa State Homecoming. This year marks Iowa State’s 100th Homecoming since its very first Homecoming celebration in 1912.
To mark this special occasion, this year’s Homecoming has been dubbed the Cytennial Celebration.
Most students know this year is the Cytennial Homecoming.
What students may not know is this year the city of Ames and the ISU Alumni Center are working to make this the special celebration it should be.
We can expect to see the city of Ames and the ISU Alumni Center more involved in the festivities than ever before.
Tom Drenthe, director of the Ames Main Street Cultural District, elaborated on the ways that the city is going to be getting involved with the celebration.
“[The city of Ames is] getting very involved,” Drenthe said. “It’s the first time they’re doing a pancake breakfast.”
The pancake breakfast will be Sunday at the American Legion, located at 225 Main St. It will run from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The meal will cost pancake-eaters $5.
There have also been rumors that businesses on Main Street are getting involved by decorating the street in the festive Cyclone way.
“Windows will be decorated,” Drenthe said.
In addition to the added involvement of Main Street and local businesses, The ISU Alumni Center will be adding some extra “exCYtement” to this year’s Homecoming activities.
The ISU Alumni Center is doing a variety of extra things this year to honor the 100th anniversary Cytennial Celebration.
The center will have a Friday night event. The pep rally, usually held on Central Campus on Friday evening of Homecoming week, has moved locations to the Alumni Center.
In addition to this, to cater to the hopefully extra alumni coming to celebrate Iowa States 100th Homecoming, the building will be open for longer hours.
The Alumni Center also has a special Homecoming Facebook page.
For the past 100 days the Facebook page also had Iowa State special trivia and facts, said Julie Larson.
They also “made a big splash in Visions magazine and will be doing a recap in the winter issue,” Larson said.
Homecoming is an exciting time on the Iowa State campus.
There are always fun events to attend and be a part of, such as Yell Like Hell contests, the crowning of the Homecoming King and Queen, tournaments, lawn displays, the banner contest, the painting of Victory Lane near Jack Trice Stadium, the pep rally and — last but not least — the big football game.
With so many traditons, it’s no wonder why many of the alumni are so excited to come back.
“People have been registering since August,” Larson said. This is special because usually alumni do not start registering until much later and much closer to the Homecoming celebration.
“[The Alumni Center has also] sold more buttons than ever before,” Larson said.
This year, so many buttons have been sold there has actually been a need to order more.
The best part about homecoming is anyone and everyone can participate.
It makes no difference what you enjoy doing: There is at least one tradition you can participate in and enjoy.
For most people, the favorite part of Homecoming is, of course, the game.
With so many enjoyable traditions, one would imagine there is already enough excitement surrounding Homecoming week.
However, this year the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences has decided to add a new tradition to the list.
The new tradition is none other than a butter sculpture of Cy, our ISU mascot.
That’s right: Cy in all his buttery goodness.
“It will be on display in Kildee Hall. They’re making it all day Saturday, and it will be on display for the whole week,” Larson said.
Additionally, students have also started selling special shirts and sweatshirts for the important Cytennial Celebration.
Some of the shirts will be on sale Saturday during the big game, while supplies last.
Larson said this Homecoming is especially exciting because so many entities have taken part in the festivities this year.
Homecoming is the time when fellow Iowa Staters — current and past — can join together, share traditions and learn what it truly means to be a Cyclone.
As Larson said, it really is amazing that “something as strong as Homecoming has continued for 100 years.”
Every student and community member should enjoy this Homecoming like the 99 before this one have been enjoyed.
But let’s not forget to look back and remember how we got here.