Cyclones prepare for Bridgestone Golf Collegiate

Brian Freda

The ISU men’s golf hopes to bring a change in attitude to its last fall tournament this weekend. The Bridgestone Golf Collegiate, held in Greensboro, N.C., is scheduled to take place Saturday and Sunday.

The team, which has had the last two weeks off, hopes to capitalize on it practice from the lull in competition.

“The guys have had a chance to get a little bit of rest and some good practice,” said ISU coach Andrew Tank. “I feel like they’ve been a really good couple of weeks.”

Most players have been focusing on bringing a different attitude and improving decision-making to this tournament.

“After shots we’ve been making sure we’re saying something positive related and work more on the process rather then the outcome,” said junior Duncan Croudis.

Sophomore Scott Fernandez returned to Iowa with advice for the team after competing in the World Amateur.

“I told them how confident all the players are about their games over there,” Fernandez said. “The guys, they have to be the same way and just trust their game.”

With improved confidence and a consistent optimistic view during competition, players will try to improve from this season’s performance. With their best finish for the season as a fifth-place finish in the VCU Shootout, more is expected of team members at Bridgestone.

“There’s a little bit of pressure to perform because we’ve had a pretty crappy fall,” Croudis said. “I’m going to worry about the stuff that I can control. … The scores will sort themselves out.”

While the team is working overall toward positive thinking, other players have also been adjusting their techniques to prepare for the weekend. Fernandez has been adjusting his putting stroke after recently struggling with it.

“I’m pretty excited for the tournament with this new technique,” Fernandez said. “[I’m] trying to get this new technique to be more natural, so in the future … I don’t have to think so much about it.”

Using a statistical program, the Cyclones have also found that they need to work on certain wedge shots.

“We’ve been struggling a lot on the 60- to 70-yard shots,” Fernandez said. “So we’ve been practicing a lot of that this week.”

Tank is happy that his players have had the time off to work on technical aspects of the game.

“I have been really pleased with how hard the guys have been working,” Tank said. “Everybody has had a good attitude and an honest assessment of where their game is at.”

Tank said he believes that players’ practice will pay off during the last competition of the season.

“It will be a good test for us,” Tank said. “I’m feeling good that we will be able to finish the fall season on a positive note.”

The Bridgestone Golf Colligate can be followed in real time through