GSB Meeting Up to this point

Charles O'Brien and Lissandra Villa

Almost immediately after Senate’s Oct. 17th meeting was called to order, Senator Lucas Gray objected to last week’s minutes saying that all of the minutes from the meeting pertaining to the argument about the bylaw change to the Executive Initiative account did not contain the complete conversation. Gray also asked that the complete minutes be posted in light of the two articles published in the Daily this week. Sen. Gray, was approached by some of his constituents and asked that there be motion to override the veto. He made two separate attempts to do this, but withdrew his motion out of respect for groups coming before GSB for funding. Joseph Mawien, a criminal justice major, was seated as a UROC senator. “Funding the ISU Women Hockey Club” was brought up and it was immediately pointed out by senate members that GSB does not fund jerseys. According to club members, they pay $700 in dues and are paying about a $1,000 a week for ice time. These jerseys, according to the club, are needed to be compliant with league rules. “Funding jerseys is a thing that we’ve drawn the line on in the past,” said Sen. Alex Knee. Knee went on to add that the jerseys on the bill should be changed to funding for ice time in order for GSB to fund the group. The club would then take the extra ice time funding to be used to purchase jerseys. “This club has put in a lot of time and money,” Knee said, “its a fairness thing we have to do.” After debating the bill, GSB passed the bill 31-3-1 to fund the Women’s Hockey Club $2,596 for ice time. At press time, Senate had only reached this point on their agenda.