Letter: Erase the stigma around mental health
Self care means something different to everybody. Whether it’s hanging out with friends, watching your favorite movies or taking a nap, it’s important to set aside time to relax and rejuvenate.
July 17, 2019
An alarming yet seemingly-ignored problem in everyday life is mental health.
Modern-day society is made up of people mostly born in the late 80s, 90s and early 2000s. These men and women grew up with ideas passed down by the previous generation. The definition of “hard work” was in a certain manner, different from what it is right now. Everyone remembers their parents talking about spending an inhuman amount of time in the library, looking for pieces of information our generation can find in less than two minutes. Through our upbringing, we are expected to follow a method in which time spent working translated to time put in to becoming successful. However, this is not the case anymore. Given the fact that more can be achieved in less time, it means that there is more time left to think on the purpose of whatever it is being done.
It’s hard to try to leave behind the ideals we are taught. However, the mind must evolve in order to prevent the growing problem we experience: the increasing issues revolving around mental health of young people. Depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts have spiked in the last couple of decades, mostly as a product of the now inhuman path to success we have been taught to follow.
The issues of the mind are considered by many a sign of weakness, lack of formation and maturity. This wrongful perception is the cause for the topic to become taboo, which directly influences the size of the problem at hand. By restraining the discussion around it, the problem grows. There is no “elephant in the room” anymore — there now is a wooly mammoth sitting with us. An enormous, difficult-to-understand problem has arisen.
Removing the taboo around the matter is the first step into the acceptance of existence of mental health issues in modern society. It is helpful to know that every single person in this world can get affected by poor mental health, and no one is exempt. The acceptance of this fact will allow everyone to know that falling into depression, anxiety or any mental health issue is something that is not frowned upon, and that there is enough help out there to solve it.
Mental setbacks are not an endless hole one falls into. It does have an end, but it will be endless if the stigma sticks around. However, this is not the solution to the manner at hand. Fixing the cracks won’t stop the leak from happening again in a couple of years. The cracks appeared for a reason, and that is what needs to be addressed. What causes mental health problems? The ideas that have made it a taboo — the ideas of living under a higher expectancy just because life is “easier” in our day and age. The perception of success, and hard work needs to adapt to present times.