Letter: Support Ross Wilburn

Courtesy of Story County Democrats

Story County Supervisor Lisa Heddens, Former Second Lady of the United States Jill Biden and Iowa House District 46 Democratic nominee Ross Wilburn pose for a photo before Biden held a campaign event Saturday at the Ames Public Library

Lisa Heddens

Ross Wilburn may be running unopposed for state representative, but I still want to state why I believe he will serve House District 46 well.

I have had the opportunity to know Wilburn for a couple of years, and I’ve gotten to know him more over the last couple of months. Wilburn supports issues that I care about: access to healthcare, fixing the Medicaid mess, protecting our environment and adequately funding our education systems pre-K through post-secondary. 

Students at Iowa State have seen steady tuition increases over the last several years. Wilburn will work to curb those increases. He’ll listen to students and work to address their concerns. 

Whether running opposed or not, it is still important to vote in this election — I voted on Thursday at the auditor’s office. My vote showed that I not only support Wilburn, but also the importance of not taking any election for granted.   

I had the honor of representing House District 46 for seventeen years, and I greatly appreciated the support from my constituents. I know Wilburn will make you proud, and I ask that you support him with your vote.