Letter to the editor: Replacing library chairs an important renovation

I chose a college around Veishea 2004. Visiting Iowa State’s programs, people and pretty campus made the decision easy.

The tour guide stopped in the Parks Library lobby, pointed out the new computers and the renovated Fireplace Reading Room. I remember seeing the blue canvas chairs by the windows. Eight years passed. I’m still in Ames, and so are those chairs — and the years have been rougher to the chairs than to me.

As the Government of the Student Body decides whether to help renovate the lounge area, it’s good to consider the impact on students. Yes, a renovation would benefit former students who still use Parks to study. It would benefit current students. But one thing I hope GSB considers is the impact on future students.

Veishea is coming, and more tour groups will stop in the lobby. Tour guides will point out newer computers. Newer study areas. But tour groups see everything else. What must prospective students think? “Iowa State is replacing everything else, but what about those roughly used blue chairs?”

If you asked that question when you were looking at Iowa State, what would you want to hear? Whatever your answer, find your representatives and let them know.