Letter to the editor: Dissent with respect

Martin Strobel

This week, many of you will notice the presence of Mr. Thomas Short and Mr. Keith Darrell on campus. Though few of you will know them by name, some of you will walk by not acknowledging them, others will stop to listen and others still will sit down to join the debate.

I am, of course, speaking of the men who stand between Parks Library and the Hub, speaking about Jesus to anyone willing listen. When you walk by, you will almost certainly notice the group of atheists standing nearby willing and eager to stand up for their lack of belief. I am a proud member of the latter group; however, Monday, I was disappointed in my comrades.

At the beginning of Short’s address, a fellow student who stood by the atheist banner showed Short “the bird.” Short was fairly gracious about the incident, only briefly mentioning it before continuing on. Despite Short’s thick skin about the incident, I was offended.

I was offended because I believe we can play host to a culture of acceptance. I want my view to be respected, and the cost of that is that I respect the views of others. I know I am not alone in this belief, but unfortunately the voice of tolerance is seldom the one heard. Too often only the extremists dictate the way a whole group of people is seen. I rather suspect that many Christians don’t want to be represented by the Westboro Baptists, and likewise I don’t want to be represented by anyone who disrespects another, profanely or otherwise.

So, my friends, I challenge you. Even if you don’t respect the message Short is preaching or the belief he and many hold dear, lend him your ear and show him courtesy.