Letter to the editor: Some responses to offensive ‘Just Sayin’ comments are just as bad

Tiya Montano

I read the “Just Sayin’s” in question, and I was like many of the others and didn’t think anything of the term used in them. Now whether that is because I was ignorant to the racial slur, I didn’t see them as anything but humorous. This afternoon when I read the article about the column shutting down because of the slurs, it made me think. I understand the need to stop racism, but I didn’t quite agree with some comments made in the article by a person.

I can’t understand how someone can base their desire to attend Iowa State based on Iowa “being progressive due to the fact that it was the first state to allow interracial marriages.” I was offended by this comment because I come from an interracial family, and to me that doesn’t seem progressive or different in any way.

Second, I was offended by the comment, “What you see here is the butt of America. It’s like you’re walking back 40 years.” As if Iowa didn’t have it bad enough being confused with Idaho or just being recognized at all, Iowa doesn’t need to be called “the butt of America.” I know I was not the only student offended by that comment, and I feel that it was uncalled for and just plain ignorant.

Reading the comments on the article page online has shown that I am not the only person who feels strongly about the comments made in this article. I understand racism is a problem; I have dealt with being a minority my whole life, racially and gender-wise, but I feel that someone campaigning for racism to end should censor themselves and realize that some of the comments made are ignorant and belittling in and of themselves.