Letter to the editor: Vote Knight-Brown for a tireless GSB

John Solomon

Monday and Tuesday, the annual elections for the Government of the Student Body will take place. I encourage all students to vote for Jared Knight and Katie Brown. They will tirelessly work to represent you to the university administration, state legislation and regents. I have personally endorsed the duo for GSB president and vice president, as they have the appropriate experience, motivation and ideas.

Over the past year, I have served on GSB Cabinet alongside Jared and Katie. I have had the opportunity to grow and learn alongside Jared as we tackled many of the same projects. One of such projects involved many discussions with faculty, which sometimes got emotional and heated. I always admired how focused Jared remained on the problem and not the people or how they were saying it. His levelheaded nature and attention to detail helped to realign the priorities and foster a collaborative environment. Both Jared and Katie are passionate about improving the student experience at Iowa State and have the skill set and motivation to do so.

All of Jared and Katie’s ideas will directly benefit students. For example, adding another branch of the LAS Testing Center to ease congestion and save your time, making course and professor evaluations accessible online, and creating an off-campus housing database to help students with the search for affordable housing.

Please go to vote.iastate.edu on Monday or Tuesday and vote to elect Knight-Brown to GSB president and vice president for 2012-2013.