Petzold: iTunes, you will be missed

June 3, 2019
Apple revolutionized the world of modern music for consumers. The invention of iTunes has helped push the music industry that much faster and further than it would have previously been.
First, Apple came out with the iPod, which was a portable device by which you can listen to the songs you bought infinite times, wherever you wanted.
Next, they decided that wasn’t good enough for their customers. So, they invented the smartphone with complete access to iTunes, both for listening and purchasing capabilities.
In between their great inventions for music, they were busy inventing other amazing technology. For one, they continuously updated the iPhone to make travel, communication and simple boredom much better.
However, due to the invention of streaming applications such as Spotify, the need for people to purchase their own music has become a thing of the past. After all, if you can stream something for free, wouldn’t you rather do that than buy it?
Either way, Apple is phasing out iTunes for three different, new apps. CNN states, “Apple announced Monday that iTunes will be replaced by a trio of desktop apps called Music, TV and Podcasts — similar to how these services are already divided on iPhones and iPads. It will still exist as a standalone iOS app and on Windows PCs.”
Apple, I must say that this is a good idea. While I will always have a special place in my heart for iTunes, I think that purchasing digital music is a thing of the past.
CDs and music streaming is great for car rides, study sessions, bus rides and pretty much everything else under the sun. If you listen to music, streaming is the best way to do it. If you plan on owning the music, CDs or records are the best thing one can do.
I have no worries about Apple staying afloat — they have always been a massive company that never had to skimp on anything. Even though iTunes is becoming a thing of the past, Apple will never follow in its footsteps.
Either they will create something new that will have consumers raving or they will die in a flame of glory. In an article from Apple, it states the company’s quarterly revenue was “$62.9 billion, an increase of 20 percent from the year-ago quarter, and quarterly earnings per diluted share of $2.91, up 41 percent.”
It seems no matter what Apple seems to do, they cannot avoid to rake in money by the truckloads. I sincerely doubt that the death of iTunes will cause a severe dip in revenue. No matter what, Apple is untouchable. They are the true leaders in the technological world.