Stoffa: As Spring Break approaches, take time to enjoy simpler things in life

Gabriel Stoffa

Genetics what? Welcome the newest ligers.

For anyone who ever watched “Napoleon Dynamite” and thought of how cool it would be to have a liger, well, your wait is over as the Chinese have reported a lioness in captivity has given birth to two ligers, or tigons actually, depending on the name combo from breeding. Included in the litter was one pure lion for added kitty cuteness.

Adorable felines aside, this is not something too wild and crazy. Lions and tigers are closely related enough for interbreeding to happen, and attempts in captivity for the two big kitties does occur on occasion. And, no, U.S. laws still don’t allow for ligers as house pets.

In fact, there have been multiple events of ligers born in various places hosting lions and tigers in the world. Strange and fascinating crossbreeding also has produced camas, camel plus llama; zonkey, zebra plus donkey; beefalo — which sounds delicious — buffalo plus cow; leopon — possibly as cool as the liger — leopard plus lion; and there are more.

There are so many amazing creatures out there in the world today and many of them aren’t even strange breeds, just really cool-looking animals that you likely would never even see unless you like watching the Discovery Channel.

What does this have to do with anything based on the madness of politics and other world issues infesting our attempts to go about our day?

Nothing really. Ligers are just cute, as are all baby cats or puppies or, well, most babies in the animal kingdom.

And with all the violence in schools, debauchery involving politicians, teens putting alcohol-infused tampons in their bums and folks from awful TV reality shows possibly becoming pregnant, sometimes a cute video of cats — or in this case ligers — is necessary to get you back into the mindest that the world isn’t a complete cesspool.

The political creatures making our every waking moment into more and more of a Jerry Springer-esque world are not going away, and media will not stop covering their gaffes and general bigotry.

That is why you just have to stop and smell the roses occasionally.

Spring Break is coming up for college students across the country, and getting your head into a happy place before your week of “freedom” from responsibility despite all the Super Tuesday hoopla and months of agonizing political campaigning that will dominate the landscape after break is over is just a good idea.

So enjoy some ligers. Go enjoy some other cute animal videos. Go enjoy whatever it is you like that helps you find your happy place for a few minutes before you have to return to the madness of human interaction.