Create your own: Team infinity scarf

Hanna Johansen

This scarf is the perfect accessory for any game and can be personalized to fit whatever team you are rooting for.

Supplies needed:


Sewing machine (or needle if sewing by hand)

2 yards jersey knit fabric in team color

Thread (color matching jersey fabric)



1/4 yard various cotton fabrics in team colors

Hot glue gun


Safety Pins

Hair clips (optional)



Step 1:

Measure and mark your scarf to desired thickness. My material was 58 inches thick, so I made two pieces 25 inches thick, leaving me with 8 inches of scrap material. Cut material along the long side of the fabric. You should end up with two pieces, each 72 by 25 inches.

Step 2:

Lay the two pieces on top of each other right sides in. Pin along both 25-inch sides and sew with matching thread, making sure to backstitch about 2 inches on both sides to prevent the seam from coming undone. You should end up with a large circle.

Step 3:

Flip your circle right side out so the seams are on the inside of the scarf. You can stop here or continue and add flowers.


Flower 1

Step 1:

Trace and cut five large circles and four smaller circles. The large circle will be the final size of your flower.

Step 2:

Fold four of the large circles in fourths, giving you four triangles. Lay them on top of the unused large circle so the corners touch and sew in the middle.

Step 3:

Repeat Step 2 with the smaller circles, placing them on circle so the center corners touch and sew. See Step 5 below to continue.


Flower 2

Step 1:

Strip fabric into long skinny pieces. The longer and thicker the strips, the larger your flower will be. I used 3 by 24 inch pieces.

Step 2:

Holding one end, begin twisting tightly.

Step 3:

Fold the twisted piece in half. It will twist together on its own.

Step 4:

Hot glue the unfolded end under to create the center of the flower and begin wrapping the strip around the center. Hot glue about every half inch until you reach the end.

Step 5:

Cut a round piece of felt and glue to back of flower.

Step 6:

Hot glue a safety pin to the felt in order to pin to the scarf. Add a hair clip if desired.

Step 7:

Pin flowers to the scarf or put in your hair and enjoy the game.