Exercising improves physical, mental health

Katherine Klingseis

Physical exercise can help improve a person’s mental health, say some ISU experts.

Amy Welch, assistant professor of kinesiology, explained that studies have shown physical exercise can help alleviate depression. She said studies show the effectiveness of exercise matches up to that of medication in treating depression.

“Exercise can be pretty powerful for those with depression,” Welch said. “But a combination of exercise and medication is more effective.”

Welch said there is debate in the scientific community on why exactly exercise helps with depression.

She explained that depression is caused by synapses in the brain taking in too much serotonin, the chemical in the brain that makes a person feel happy. If the synapses take in too much serotonin, then only a little bit of the chemical is left in the brain, causing a person to become depressed.

“Anti-depressants inhibit the real uptake of serotonin in the brain, making a person feel better,” Welch said. “Some suggest that exercise does the same thing.

“Some researchers and media focus on how endorphins in the blood affect a person’s mood.”

She said some have suggested that exercise increases endorphin levels in a person’s blood.

“There’s not as much evidence,” Welch said. “There’s little association with endorphins in the blood and the good feeling you get after exercising.”

“Exercising improves a person’s psychological health by enabling people to accomplish goals,” Welch said. “There’s a sense of reward; a sense of mastery; sense of accomplishment. They may feel and see changes in their bodies, which can boost self-esteem.”

Dr. Carver Nebbe, physician at Thielen Student Health Center, said he has noticed that students who exercise frequently study more and get better grades.

“It’s not about either studying or exercising,” Nebbe said. “It’s a time management issue.”

Welch said people who are motivated to exercise may just be motivated individuals, meaning that they may also be motivated to get good grades. However, she said exercising decreases stress, which may enable students to perform better in the classroom.

“It’s a great way to alleviate stress,” Welch said. “It’s the best drug there is. It truly is.”