Petzold: Have your voice heard at the Daily
Charlie Coffey/Iowa State Daily
Congressman David Young visits the Iowa State Daily newsroom on Jan. 22 to speak with the politics editor and editorial board.
June 26, 2019
Members of the community:
First and foremost, thank you for reading the Iowa State Daily. Whether this article popped up in your social media stream or you went to the website and chose this article to read, thank you.
I know some of you read things from the opinion section and think “I really disagree with what they are saying,” or “I have more thoughts on this subject.” To that I say, there are four things you could do in this situation.
One, if you are a student and have some free time during the jam packed weeks of college, think about joining the Iowa State Daily as a columnist. The Daily always welcomes new opinions and new writers, and we would love to help get your voice heard.
Two, if you are a student and don’t think you’ll have enough time to write but still want to voice your opinion, the Editorial Board always needs new members from all backgrounds, majors, political stances and regions.
Three, if you are a student or member of the community who has an opinion on an article or two or something that happened in the news but don’t want to be on the editorial board or become a columnist, you can write your thoughts and turn them in as letters to the editor. Communication from the community, students or not, is more than welcome at the Daily.
If you’re a student and you want to voice your opinion but aren’t sure you’re cut out for the Daily, I’d like to tell you this short story:
Spring semester 2019, the opinion desk had a few letters to the editor come in that were full of passion and voice. They got published, and there was even some members of the community who wrote letters to the editor responding to his letter. Once summer hit, we asked this student if he was interested in becoming a writer for the Daily. Long story short, he is currently working as a columnist for the summer term and plans on becoming a member of the Editorial Board in the fall semester. The opinion section is here to help voices get heard.
The fourth option there is is to comment on social media or the Daily’s page and share your opinions there.
No matter what you choose to do, the members of the Daily would love to hear what you have to say and would love to help get your voice heard to more members of the community.