GSB aims to increase students’ awareness of its role
Photo: David Babayev/ Iowa State Daily
Members of the Government of the Student Body wear pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month for their meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 26.
January 10, 2012
One of the biggest voices and supporters of students at Iowa State has always been the Government of the Student Body.
GSB has been a key part in voicing the ideas and opinions of students. Besides being the voice of the student body, it has helped fund clubs and organizations on campus.
“The most obvious way GSB helps students is through funding student organizations and clubs,” said GSB Vice President Jared Knight. “GSB also serves a large role in working with university administrators, the Board of Regents and government officials to advocate and defend students’ interests.”
Student organizations may receive funding through regular allocations in the spring or special allocations in the fall. GSB’s website gives information about the full process in which student organizations receive money. GSB also funds campus services for students such as the Iowa State Daily, CyRide and Recreation Services.
Spencer Hughes, vice speaker of the senate, said, “GSB helps students by providing representation and giving students a voice in university policy.”
GSB helps students by lobbying to legislators and the Iowa Board of Regents to provide more funding for education and to keep tuition increases down.
Just like a regular government, GSB holds annual elections in March. Students vote for an executive ticket and for representatives based on where they live and what college they are in.
“Any student can run for a position on GSB; if you’re interested you should attend a candidate seminar,” Knight said.
Members work throughout the year to increase GSB’s presence on campus and students’ understanding of how GSB works.
“GSB is constantly striving to increase awareness among the student body of what we do, how we can help students, and that we work for the students,” Hughes said. “We are increasing the understanding of GSB among students, but we understand that we have more work to do.”
GSB holds public weekly meetings at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.