Letter to the editor: Walker’s liberal criticisms are part of problem

Mark Hayes

Thomas Walker, you are what is the problem on today’s college campuses — your left-wing socialist ideologies that you use to indoctrinate young impressionable college students.

There has been more than $16 billion spent on the so-called “War on Poverty” and that was started in the 1960s under the title “The Great Society” by another socialist liberal named Lyndon B. Johnson.

But poverty still exists. Where is the success of all the money thrown at this program in the last 40-plus years? Conservatives want to help people out of their situation with a hand up, not a hand out, unlike liberals who continue to keep people dependent upon government for their own political gain.

Sir, you are a disgrace to the ISU campus. If it weren’t for America’s military and veterans, you would not have the freedom to espouse your anti-American liberal drivel.