Letter to the editor: Support soldiers when they serve, when they come home

David Phillips

Sure, it may seem like the Republicans are babying the soldiers overseas, but it was definitely not always that way. Warfare has changed over the years, drastically in the last century. Our soldiers did not always have the luxury of personal hygiene, care packages from home or fresh clothes. No, they were out in the field, fighting against determined opponents who were not going to leave their position unless it was necessary.

In some cases, the enemy chose to die fighting. Comparing today to those days, soldiers today are in much better condition. Still, many in this country have refused to support the troops while they fight in a foreign country. To me, that is one of the greatest evils. These men and women of both today and yesterday are fighting and have fought so we can enjoy the freedoms we take for granted.

I respect the author’s viewpoint on this subject. I also will respectfully disagree with him. Politicians in general try to help those who are less fortunate in this country. However, while helping them, we must not forget who gave us the freedoms we have. The soldiers should always be respected and helped, especially when they are trying to readjust to life after returning home. In many ways, the situation is comparable to the Vietnam War. Like today, the Vietnam War was not very popular with Americans.

When soldiers returned home, instead of receiving a simple thank-you for serving their country, they were reviled by the public. That is just downright deplorable. Today, the war is not very popular with Americans, many of whom say we should leave as soon as possible.

Now, as we have just passed a date that President Franklin Roosevelt said will forever “live in infamy,” why do Americans in general still not support our troops? I may just be a young adult who recently became eligible for the right to vote, but I believe that some citizens of this country need to remember why we have this right.

Too often the people of this nation take for granted the daily rights we as Americans enjoy. Once in a while, we should stop and think how we came to have those rights … by the work of the men and women of the armed forces. Here’s a simple thought: Thank a soldier today for his or her service to our country, whether it is a veteran of a war long past or the one today. A simple letter, sincerely written, lifts the spirit of a single soldier. Imagine what would happen when our soldiers learned that this country was always supporting them in their endeavors. Our nation would grow closer together, and then our soldiers can come home sooner.

With Christmas arriving later this month, many of these soldiers will not be able to enjoy the holiday with their family. Why would we deny them the simple gift of a care package from home, letting the soldier know his or her family is missing him or her? Care packages shows that someone back home cares about that soldier. Again, take the time to thank a soldier today. It will not take more than a couple minutes from the day. I challenge this nation to accept this task and perform it.