Letter to the editor: Gingrich plays off fickle voters
December 28, 2011
From Sarah Palin thru Bachmann, Perry, Cain and now Newt, fickle Republican voters have switched allegiances as regularly as Newt Gingrich has switched wives.
Have they all now suffered mental relapses and forgotten 1994? That’s the year Newt rallied Republicans and the army of Ross Perot independents with his Contract with America. He swept into office, was elected House Speaker with the huge majority necessary to deliver on all his promises of change. A bloated government brought under control, a balanced budget and positive solutions for Social Security and Medicare. Budgets and taxes brought under control and regulatory agencies like theĀ EPA muzzled or eliminated.
Unfortunately, Newt’s visions of change evaporated as rapidly as Obama’s. Gingrich’s womanizing, writing books, ethics violations and sellout to multinational corporations all yielded a harvest of business as usual.
Newt fooled conservatives once and it’s his fault, if he fools us twice it’s our fault.
Airline pilot Sully for president!