Regents to discuss flooding, policy changes, capital projects

Paige Godden

Iowa State is still working through insurance claims after flooding and windstorms last summer.

The university submitted a report to the Iowa Board of Regents, stating that disaster, mitigation and admin expenses total $41,575,832.

Warren Madden, ISU vice president of business and finance, said that the university is ultimately hoping for a complete reimbursement of the damages.

Madden said the paperwork goes through insurance and what is not covered by insurance goes to Federal Emergency Management Agency.

He said FEMA usually takes a while because they are very detail oriented and there is a lot of back-and-forth before FEMA finalizes everything.

He also said that the FEMA branch Iowa State is working with also has to deal with the tornado damage in Joplin, Mo., and flooding from the Missouri River.

The Regents will also be discussing revising Chapter 6.08 of the Board of Regents Policy Manual.

The requested revision would edit the section of the Policy Manual on naming a center or institute after a sitting public official.

Iowa State is requesting the razing of the Andrew-Richards House, which was built in 1956.

The house was affiliated with the College of Home Economics, since renamed to Human Sciences.

“When those programs were discontinued, the building was used to meet some of the administrative space needs of the College of Human Sciences,” according to the proposal. “When the Hixson-Lied Student Success Center was constructed on the site directly between Andrews-Richards House and Fisher-Nickell Hall, another home-management facility, the latter was demolished to provide a parking lot, service court, and building access to Hixson-Lied from the north. Since Andrews-Richards was recently vacated, it is the opportune time to remove an empty and substandard facility from the Richardson Court Residence Hall area.”

The house is an 8,800 gross square-foot building and valued at over $10,000, according to the proposal, but it does not meet minimal accessibility codes and has no value to the university.

Iowa State is requesting permission to proceed with project planning for remodeling MacKay Hall Auditorium, Room 117.

“While the MacKay Hall Auditorium is in a premier location on Central Campus and easily accessible to students and faculty, it is one of the least desired auditoriums for teaching due to its current overall condition and configuration of the space. Therefore, the university requests permission to proceed with project planning for the MacKay Hall Auditorium 117 Remodeling project, which would upgrade the space to improve the learning environment for both students and faculty. The estimated project budget of $3.1 million would be funded from general university funds,” according to the proposal.

The university will also be submitting a revised project budget, of $2,205,000, for the Wallace Hall fire and sprinkler system installation.

The projected budget was initially $1,820,000.

For the first time since 2008 for Iowa State, the number of Personal Development Assignments has gone up.

In 2008, there were 49 faculty members eligible for Personal Development Assignments, 28 in 2009, 41 in 2010, 37 in 2011 and 22 in 2012.

For 2013, the number has gone up to 29.

This increase comes in spite of new legislation, which was passed last January.

“As a result of legislation in 2011, HF 45 specifies that ‘for the period beginning on the effective date of this section and ending June 30, 2012, the state board of regents shall limit the number of leave of absence assignments granted pursuant to section 262.9, subsection 14, to not more than the equivalent of three percent of the faculty staff members employed at each of the institutions under the state board.’ This requirement was met by the three universities,” according to the proposal.

The Board of Regents is considering reinstating the Education and Student Affairs Committee as a standing committee of the Board of Regents.

The committee last met in 2007.

Its goals were to provide oversight and policy recommendations related to “academic affairs, student life, academic achievement, diversity in educational endeavors, intercollegiate athletics, monitoring and developing appropriate responses to state, regional and national policy initiatives regarding higher and special education, establishing positive, collaborative relationships with other education sectors, directing the work of special Board committees … and directing ad hoc studies related to academic and student affairs.”

The Regents will be voting on an addendum to an FY 2013 legislative request.

The request is to “approve the review of statutory requirements and authorize the State Relations Officers to seek changes in the Iowa Code that will provide the greatest tangible benefit to the Regents, state of Iowa, and its citizens.”

The addendum calls for the streamlining of the governmental process of the Board of Regents.

Iowa State submitted an accreditation report for the Counseling Psychology Ph.D. Program.

The report lists several areas that need to be addressed by Sept. 2, 2012.

The university also submitted a multi-site accreditation report, which included Marketing and Recruiting Information, Facilities, Student Services and Academic services.

The Regents will also consider approval for a name change of the Department of Apparel, Educational Studies and Hospitality Management to the Department of Apparel, Events and Hospitality Management.