Letter to the editor: No greater sacrifice than volunteer soldiers

David Pedersen

I recently read in the Daily a letter to the editor about how Republicans are giving too much aid to the military. This is referring to the letter about how College Republicans were collecting donations to put toward care packages that are then sent overseas to the troops. The letter was denoting the fact that the U.S. Army already provides rations to the troops. I would have to say this is nothing like the food we eat here and I really believe that the food and other goods that were donated may not have been a necessity, but they are a good show of support that we as college students haven’t forgot about them and support them.

I think that if Mr. Walker would actually look at the pay scale for enlisted soldiers he would find himself surprised at how little the troops are actually paid. If Mr. Walker is implying that fatigues are to be considered gallant garments, then he should only have the honor to enlist in the U.S. Army and then he could really enjoy the good life of service men and women overseas away from their families.

The Pentagon is another object of this Mr. Walker’s disdain. I can only say that the invention of a smart bomb is possibly the best thing to happen in war since the invention of penicillin. We no longer have to level an entire city block to kill the enemy like we did in World War II and the Korean War, this wasteful spending now lets a single bomb from an unmanned drone take out a single terrorist; instead of him and the entire neighborhood. I do not even know what to say to the accusation that our troops are doing “nothing” for us. I abhor that statement in its entirety.

There is no greater sacrifice that can be made than the blood sacrifice that these men and women are volunteering to make. The choice to leave home is not the only thing they volunteer to do. The families of the thousands who have been killed for Mr. Walker’s right to speak out against a political party, the right for us to have law and order other than Sharia Law and terror. The fact that Mr. Walker is able to take these freedoms for granted is just an example of how well the U.S. Army is doing its job.

Finally, in closing, I would just have to say the idea that U.S. troops are to blame for anti-American sentiment is ridiculous. If we didn’t have any troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, al-Qaida would still exist and there would still be anti-American sentiment due to their propaganda. I would just like to thank the men and women who volunteer to serve our country.