Jensen: Media of Communication Back to Being Independent

Derek Jensen

We’ve reached a point where technology is in favor of independent people.

The big three media of technology are audio, video and writing. Audio doesn’t have to be radio or music. It’s sound that we analyze. Video doesn’t have to be a TV show or movie. It’s merely a visual. Writing doesn’t have to be books or newspapers. It’s how thoughts and information are vastly shared and archived.

They will all change, because how we use or need them will change.

Audio was transformed with Napster and writing with the issue of information overload and reading devices for cheap and greater consumption, while video is still up in the air.

The question is, why are these three media of communication changing in our society? A short answer would be that for once artists, writers and producers are seeing their power and control increase due to community outreach and the advancements made by companies such as Apple, Amazon and Google.

Apple has innovated how consumers purchase their music with iTunes. Instead of always buying an entire album, you now have the ability to just purchase one song. Studies have actually shown that consumers will spend more over time when only purchasing individual songs versus entire albums. This action has brought shock to record companies by having to rethink their marketing strategy. Many are realizing that community outreach through technology and creating more of a fan base around the artist is crucially important. The music is practically selling itself.

Shouldn’t this be the way music and the respected artists gather attraction and make money? Now, many aspiring artists can be on the same playing field as the major artists with major labels. Music is back, and Apple truly has sparked the intuition for more creation.

For writing, Amazon created the Kindle. The Kindle is merely the ultimate eBook reader that really brought an end to bookstores such as Borders. Barnes and Noble is still holding on, but they’ve put focus on competing against the Kindle with their Nook. The way we consume writing now comes at a higher rate and lower cost. Traditional publishing houses might still have their prestige in tact, but the fact that aspiring authors who have dreaded to go through the process of publishing their words can now bypass that, is special.

I believe everyone that is willing to and wants to publish their thoughts that can be easily shared amongst many for a small monetary price deserves to be recognized and respected.

Anyone deserves to have the ability to publish their thoughts with the ability for it to be shared. It’s changing to that way, but creativity and perseverance are needed to retain a respectable monetary reward.

Lastly, the medium of video is the newest form of communication that our society has adopted. I’d even argue that video has been the most addicting and rapidly changing medium amongst the three. YouTube has certainly been on the leading front for changing how video has inspired so many to share their thoughts, put together creative skits, start shows or just record something remarkable or entertaining.

For the longest time, just like audio and writing, the big companies have controlled the message in that medium to some degree. Today that control has been put back into each independent person in the world.

We should all be thanking companies like Apple, Amazon and Google (including YouTube) for putting the power and ability back into all of our hands.

These three media are at the heart of the human race for communicating and sharing thoughts. Communication is essential with them. Some might be innovated more than others or be more in favor of the independent person but the essence of written word, voice and picture will be at the core, no matter what.