Be Ever Vigilant, Comrades

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Earlier this

week, our ‘Leader’ announced that he would like to see increased

taxation on what he referred to as ‘the wealthy’. This would,

according to him, aid in curbing the debt that has been incurred

upon this glorious nation. A debt that, in case you have forgotten,

has been laid upon us by him and his ilk. Yes, my dear comrades,

the President wants to disproportionately tax those of us who do

the most work, who labor the hardest, and suffer the most when it

comes to workload of this great land.

<p class="MsoNormal" style=

“margin-bottom: .0001pt; line-height: 150%;”><span style=

“font-size: 12.0pt; line-height: 150%;”>           Does he take us

for fools? Surely you must understand that it is for our own good

that the prosperous of this land continue to be prosperous. We pigs

are responsible for the well-being of all, and for the continued

affluence of this land. It is because of us that we have the great

labor that has been bestowed upon us. It is because of us that we

all live in this highly enlightened and thriving culture of ours;

we would all certainly be lost without our constant


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punish us privileged few casts a great shadow over what has made

this country great. For you see, our continued prosperity will lead

all of us to an even greater future. It is a glorious burden to be

placed in the position that we are in, and because of this burden,

certain indulgences must be provided for. Surely you do not think

we enjoy sleeping in beds made of the finest linens? Eating the

sweetest apples and drinking the finest milk? These ‘luxuries’ are

taken in with a great deal of reluctance, for without them, we

would not be able to perform at the level needed to run this great

society of ours.

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You have no

doubt heard rumors about past years in which the taxation rates for

us meager individuals were at astounding rates, and yet the economy

was still flourishing. Pay no attention to these lies, for they are

merely promulgated by those who seek to undermine us at every

corner. And let me tell you now, comrades, we shall not yield. Our

Dear Leader, our TRUE Dear Leader, would never lead us astray, for

Our Dear Leader is always right.

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Other plots

against the security of this land insinuate that ‘wealth

inequality’ is destructive to the natural order of things. This is

merely another traitorous conspiracy perpetuated in order to upset

the established hierarchy. Inequality? Who says this is inequality?

This is simply the equal distribution of wealth based upon the

amount of effort placed into the system. Those who work harder earn

their keep, and those who do not suffer the consequences. It is

merely the way things are, the way things have been, and the way

things must continue to be. And because we pigs are working ever so

attentively, persevering through the hardest of hardships, it is of

no doubt that this share falls upon us.

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The wolves are

at the gate, my dear comrades, and our resolve must be as strong as

ever. We cannot let these lies continue to infiltrate our thoughts

and minds. These lies lead to inquiry, inquiry leads to doubt,

doubt leads to paranoia, and paranoia leads to treason. And surely

by now you know what happens to traitors among our ranks. So my

dear, dear comrades, if you even think to question the established

order, simply repeat the phrase “I will work harder” to yourself

and put your mind back to ease. Those who are in charge will take

care of you.