Cyclone Cinema attracts students

Samantha Lee

The Cyclone Cinema has been having a

large turnout, after moving the theater to Carver 101. The opening

weekend, the cinema attracted 1,400 students.

“It has been a good year so far,”

said Marybeth Konkowski, a member of the Student Union


There has been talk that the Cyclone

Cinema has had to turn away students because there were no seats


The turn out has been much better

than in the past, she said.

“The showings have been full,” said

Alec Thompson, junior in journalism and mass communication and

member of the Films committee.

There have been about 100 people

each showing. That equates to about 600 more people a week than

last year.

Thompson said it is unfortunate that

they have had to turn people away, but that means students are

taking advantage of what is being offered.

Jared Knight, vice president of the

Government of the Student Body, said the same thing about turning

students away. “It’s disappointing, but we are getting the response

we were hoping for.”

Even though some students have been

turned away, all showings have never been completely


Konkowski said they are able to meet

demand by having two shows Thursday thru Sunday.

Moving the Cyclone Cinema to Carver,

which is a much larger space, has helped make it so everyone who

wants to attend can.

Having two more showings a week than

last year has helped with demand, Thompson said.

Knight said the GSB decided to put

funding into Carver 101 and doesn’t plan on moving the Cyclone

Cinema anytime soon.

Right now, students know where shows

will be and can just show up, Thompson said, it is not in the plans

to change the location right now.

“We still plan on having our parking

ramp movie and there is talk of having classic movies shown. We are

always thinking of new things to try that are out of the box,” said
