Get to know Mayhem Comics and Games

Katherine Klingseis

Mayhem Comics and Games, 2532 Lincoln Way

Rob Josephson, owner

How does business in the summer compare with business in the fall?

“We drop off when the student population goes down, but not tremendously.”

“The summer staggered schedule has really helped with business.”

How do you prepare for the arrival of students in the fall?

“We try to make sure everything is stocked and all the events are planned. We just make sure that all our tools are sharpened, all our ducks in a row.”

“You only have one shot to make a good first impression.”

What is your favorite thing about the arrival of students?

“There are new students, new faces and just this feeling of excitement.”

What are some challenges you face with the arrival of students?

“We need to not only get them in the door, but we need to get them coming back.”

“We make sure that their visit is a pleasant one — that we leave a good impression.”