Summer drink recipes cool, refresh all

Katherine Klingseis

When the weather outside is unbearably hot, there’s nothing better than cooling off with a refreshing drink. Here’s a list of five cheap and easy-to-make drink recipes:

1. The Hula Coola

I found this gem of a drink on Love her or hate her, it’s an indisputable fact that Martha Stewart is a domestic goddess. She knows her stuff. This drink is an example of her mastery in the kitchen. It’s a perfect mixture of pineapple, coconut, and lemon. As you drink it, you will be transported to a tropical paradise.


1. 1/3 cup sweetened cream of coconut

2. 2 cups cubed pineapple

3. 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

4. 1 cup ice cubes


Mix all of the ingredients in a blender for 15 seconds on high speed. Stop the machine, and mix the contents with a wooden spoon. Blend for an additional 15 seconds on high speed. Stop the machine and pour the mixture into cups. Place a mini umbrella in each cup, and serve!

2. Blue Lagoon

This recipe is from the Disney FamilyFun website. Don’t let the source fool you, this drink is not just for kids. This drink has as much flavor as any other drink on this list. Plus, unlike the other drinks, the Blue Lagoon contains milk and yogurt. The addition of dairy makes this concoction perfect as a simple drink, snack or light breakfast.


1. 1 cup fresh blueberries

2. 4 scoops of vanilla frozen yogurt

3. 1/2 to 1 cup of milk


Combine all of the ingredients in a blender, and blend until smooth. As it blends, add milk if necessary. Pour mixture, add a cool straw, and serve!

3. Apricot-Raspberry Refresher

Drinking an Apricot-Raspberry Refresher makes you feel like you’re sitting on a porch of a house somewhere in the countryside. This recipe from is a little more expensive than the others on the list. If you’re willing to splurge a bit to make this drink, you will realize that the Apricot-Raspberry Refresher is worth the extra cash. 


1. 1 can of apricot nectar, chilled

2. 1/2 can of apricot halves in light syrup, drained

3. 3 ice cubes

4. 1 tablespoon of honey

5. 1/4 cup of frozen raspberries


Mix the apricot nectar, apricot halves, ice and honey in a blender until the mixture is smooth. Add the raspberries and continue to blend. Stop the blender when the raspberries are broken but not completely blended. Pour the mixture into a fancy glass and serve!

4. Honeydew Ice

No food-related list is complete without a recipe from Of all the summer drinks on their list of 50, Honeydew Ice is my favorite. It has a very clean, crisp taste to it. This is a great drink to have when you’re lying on a beach or next to a pool. 


1. 1 cup frozen honeydew melon

2. 1 frozen diced cucumber

3. 1 lime

4. 1 pinch of sugar


Cut a honeydew melon into cubes, and freeze one cup of the cubed melon. Dice a cucumber, and freeze the sliced cucumber. Blend the frozen honeydew melon and cucumber with the juice of a lime. Add sugar if needed. Pour the mixture, and place a cucumber slice on the rim of the glass before serving. 

5. Tangy Citrus Lemonade

This drink is low on calories but high on flavor. Lemonade is a traditional summer drink. Tangy Citrus Lemonade reinvents the summer favorite by adding limes, honey and raspberries. With only 101 calories, this drink will allow you to indulge while still looking good in your swimsuit!


1. 6 large lemons

2. 3 medium limes

3. 3/4 to 1 cup of honey

4. 6 cups of water

5. 2 cups of fresh or frozen raspberries


Squeeze the juice out of six lemons and three limes. Pour the juices and 3/4 to 1 cup of honey into a pitcher. Then, add water and raspberries. Cover and chill for two to 24 hours. Stir the mixture, and add a few slices of a lemon or lime. Pour the drink into a tall glass, and serve!