Police blotter 4.8.11

Brandon Henn, 19, of New Hampton, was arrested and charged with public intoxication, fifth degree theft and unlawful use of a license. (reported at 1:42 a.m.)

An officer observed two people carrying a sign. The item was seized and the individuals warned. (reported at 2:04 a.m.)

Joseph Wilcox, 22, 3013 Lincoln Way, was arrested and charged with fourth and fifth degree criminal mischief, public consumption and interference with official acts (aggravated). (reported at 2:10 a.m.)

Trent Weatherman, 21, 918 Arizona Ave., was arrested and charged with public consumption. (reported at 2:15 a.m.)

John Lee Portwood II, 23, 1401 N. Dakota Ave. unit 204, was arrested and charged with public intoxication. (reported at 2:24 a.m.)

Officers assisted a resident who had consumed too much alcohol. The individual was examined by paramedics and released to the care of roommates. (reported at 2:43 a.m.)

Officers seized a bike path sign that was inside an apartment. (reported at 3:12 a.m.)

A found bike was placed into secure storage. The item was later released to the owner. (reported at 3:19 a.m.)

An officer on patrol observed general vandalism inside a classroom. (reported at 4:18 a.m.)

A staff member reported pry marks on several doors. (reported at 4:19 a.m.)

A found bike was placed into secure storage. The item was later released to the owner. (reported at 5:49 a.m.)

Vehicles driven by Grant Mahoney and Earl Schrader were involved in a property damage collision. (reported at 11:40 a.m.)

A staff member reported damage to an item on the terrace. (reported at 12:48 p.m.)

Officers received a report of three neglected dogs. The dogs were released to animal control officials. (reported at 1 p.m.)

Vehicles driven by Kendra Jorgensen and Marcia Degraaf were involved in a property damage collision. (reported at 5:36 p.m.)

A staff member reported damage to a vehicle. (reported at 5:42 p.m.)

Jeffery Wilkey, 22, of Fremont, Neb., was arrested and charged with providing alcohol to persons under 21. (reported at 7:15 p.m.)

Brian Pospisil, 22, 6351 Wallace Hall, was arrested and charged with providing alcohol to persons under 21. (reported at 7:30 p.m.)

Melissa Wooster, 33, no address, was arrested and charged with violation of a no contact order and two counts of probation violation. (reported at 8:13 p.m.)

A vehicle was towed after it was determined the driver had no proof of insurance or registration. (reported at 8:36 p.m.)

Daniel Donatucci, 22, of Rockford, Ill., was arrested and charged with providing alcohol to persons under 21. (reported at 9:20 p.m.)

A pellet gun was seized from several people who were shooting at cans. (reported at 11:33 p.m.)

Garrett Glick, 19, 1121 Delaware Ave., was arrested and charged with operating while intoxicated. (reported at 11:50 p.m.)