VEISHEA cancellations will not affect next year’s plans

Photo: Karuna Ang/Iowa State Daily

Anthony Maly, entertainment committee for VEISHEA, takes down a sign after it was decided that Live @ VEISHEA was canceled due to the terrible weather Friday, April 15 at Molecular Biology parking lot.

Briana Haguewood

This year’s canceled and relocated VEISHEA events are not likely to have an effect on next year’s planning, said the 2012 VEISHEA general chairpersons.

“The cancellations have brought certain flaws with our concert location to our attention that hadn’t been thought of in the past. But as of now, [the molecular biology building] is still the best location,” said Will Postler, junior in religious studies and a general chairman for VEISHEA 2012. “It has the largest capacity, and there are a lot of benefits to having it there.

“Indoor concerts are fun, but there’s just something about an outdoor venue,” Postler said.

Kayla Nielsen, senior in psychology, will also be a general chairwoman for next year’s VEISHEA celebration. She said plans were established beforehand to deal with rainy conditions.

“We always have rain locations for almost all of the entertainment, except for the concerts,” she said.

Postler said this is the first year he knows of a VEISHEA concert having been canceled.

“We were expecting the rain, but the combination of the rain and wind was what made it unsafe for performers to perform,” he said. “The rain was blown toward the front of the stage, and we were caught off guard by that. We didn’t expect the onstage pooling of water effect that we had.”

Besides the concerts, the rain location for many performances, such as that of the magician, break-dancers and juggler, was the Great Hall in the Memorial Union.

Postler said because of venue expenses, time required setting up the sound system, and the limited capacity of Hilton — the molecular biology parking lot, current outdoor concert location, holds 2,700 more people than Hilton Coliseum — a rain location for concerts is not likely.

In the future, there is a possibility the concerts will be planned to be indoors.

Having a rain location isn’t an option for concerts, Postler said.

“It will be either completely outside or completely inside. Having a rain location for a concert that size isn’t an option,” he said. “We haven’t completely ruled out Hilton, but it probably won’t happen next year.”

Moving the date isn’t a simple solution to chilly weather either.

“Sometimes we get people asking why the date of VEISHEA isn’t moved to later in the month when the weather is better,” Nielsen said. “But the dates for the next few years have already been set and can’t be changed. We’ve tried to avoid the weekends of Drake Relays and religious holidays such as Passover or Easter.”

Nielsen said canceling the concert and communicating it to the students was the largest weather-caused challenge, as well as deciding the refund policy for concert tickets.

“We’ll always have a rain location for the other events, but for the concerts we’re going to shoot for them to be outside,” she said. “Now, however, we’re more aware of how to effectively communicate a cancellation to the students — that was a challenge — and we now have a refund policy in place.”

The bands scheduled to perform Friday were paid despite the show being canceled, Nielsen said. Concert tickets could be refunded from April until last Friday to those students who presented a student ID and ticket stub.

“We can’t really make up for the loss Friday. It was a hit on VEISHEA,” said Postler about the loss of revenue. “We have a reserved fund that will cover some, but not all, of our losses. But there are no plans to increase ticket prices or anything like that for next year. It’s something that just can’t be accounted for.”