Lunch With the Dean

Jessica Johnson;

The college of Engineering Dean, Dr. Johnathan Wickert is getting to know his students in a new and different way. Dean Wickert holds an hour long lunch gathering with his students twice a month assisting him in achieving a personal goal of shaking hands with every undergraduate. Small lunch gatherings welcome a small town feel to the large university in regards to faculty student relationships. The meetings are simple, just a sack lunch and chit chat. “I went to school at Berkley and I never saw or knew the dean, he could of stood next to me on the bus and I would of not recognized him,” said Dean Wickert.

Eight students joined Dean Wickert Tuesday April 19 for an open discussion.Students were allowed to ask questions or simply listen to advice from peers. Wickert opened the lunch hour suggesting informal introductions. “It’s a great personal connection with students. He (Dean Wickert) learned from when he was an undergrad and now he is applying that and improving on what can be done,” said Dallas VanWyk, sophomore in Mechanical Engineering.

A key topic Dr. Wickert discussed was how to optimize your four years in school. He feels that students should acquire professional experiences through co-op’s, internships, study abroad and be involved in department activities. Students inquired his view on which platform recruiters view resumes better CMS or at the Career Fair. He stated that effective resume will receive interview requests and students should value face to face interviews.Recruiters enjoy meeting young students, work for internships, and potentially it may lead to a career with them. An engineering degree can get you in the door, but you need to define yourself from people with your communication skills. Companies want people who can work in teams, talk through problems, and stand in front of customers and represent them.

The dean shared a few laughs with the attendants as well. One student,hearing Wickert was a StarTrek fan asked his preference on new or original episodes.Growing up during that period he liked the original’s, “They’re corny but have an interesting message to them.” He then proceeded to tell a story about his dad who was working as an electrical engineer in California. Star Trek was shooting an episode in his dad’s building aiming for a more futuristic look.His dad happened to eat lunch and shoot the breeze with Captain Spock. “Man, I just thought my dad was the coolest guy in the world after that.”

Through all this and more you can tell that Dean Dr. Johnathan Wickert is a man that is trying to change student faculty relationships. “It was nice meeting the dean, I’ve never saw him before or even knew what he looked like. He is someone that not everyone gets to meet,” said Nick Wetzel, a senior in Chemical Engineering. To sign up for a lunch date with the dean next semester an email will be sent out to all Engineering students with instructions on how to sign up. You can also stop in his office in 104 Marston Hall for further information.