21 things NOT to do on your 21st

Nightlife Writers

  1. Don’t take 21 shots
  2. Don’t get arrested
  3. Don’t lose your friends
  4. Don’t puke and rally
  5. Don’t pass out with your shoes on
  6. Don’t pass out only wearing your shoes
  7. Don’t forget to take pictures
  8. Don’t fall off the bar stool
  9. Don’t break your ankle on a curb
  10. Don’t get on Facebook, or any social media site
  11. Don’t stay in (even if it’s on a Monday)
  12. Don’t smush a stranger
  13. Don’t pay for yourself
  14. Don’t get a tattoo
  15. Don’t plan anything before 2 p.m. the next day
  16. Don’t end up in the police blotter
  17. Don’t drink four Four Lokos!
  18. Don’t wear clothes you can’t “dougie” in
  19. Don’t invite all your Facebook friends
  20. Don’t wear shoes you can’t walk in
  21. Don’t be a hot mess!