Letter: Vote Hoben/Knight for GSB

Government of the Student Body elections are coming up quickly, and it is time to think about new campus leadership for the 2011-2012 school year.

With the current economic situation, there are many questions about the future funding of Iowa State. In these conditions, the GSB needs leaders who will represent ISU students to the best of their abilities.

Dakota Hoben and Jared Knight, GSB president and vice president candidates, are two great leaders who are willing to work for all students. As president and vice president, they will work to ensure that student voices are heard in clubs, the classroom and our community. Dakota and Jared have a vision of involving and investing students at Iowa State.

I have personally endorsed Dakota and Jared because they are both very involved on campus, inside and outside of GSB. Dakota and I met our freshman year in the President’s Leadership Class. Since then he has continued serving in leadership roles with the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

Jared and I met in the residence halls during his first year at Iowa State; he now serves as a leader within the University Honors Program and Inter-Residence Hall Association.

Through these leadership roles and other campus involvements, both Dakota and Jared have built many personal relationships with students. These relationships have allowed Dakota and Jared to get students more involved in the decisions made by the GSB.

I’ll be voting Hoben-Knight in the GSB elections, and I encourage you to do the same if you believe in a better Iowa State.