Letter: Participate in No Makeup Mondays

I wake up in the morning, usually not feeling like P. Diddy, take a shower and brush my teeth with appropriate, non-alcoholic toothpaste. The next part has become such a routine that I don’t even think about it anymore: Concealer, powder, two shades of eye shadow, eyeliner and a coat of mascara; darker for parties, lighter for everyday.

For the most part I put makeup on every day like most women I know, and don’t think anything of it.

Covergirl, Rimmel, Estee Lauder, Almay, Revlon, Maybelline, we depend on these brands to make us the standard of pretty that is drilled constantly, every day. It has become a social norm in our material world, and yeah, I am a material girl, as much as I don’t like to own up to it. But what happens when we set aside our liners and shadows? You get No Makeup Mondays.

This past week I participated in No Makeup Monday with several of my friends, a campaign headed by the Vagina Warriors, and “phew,” I survived. It wasn’t a big deal, at first it was slightly nerve wrecking because I thought everyone would look at me in disgust and horror, but I got over it and to my surprise, I completely forgot I didn’t have “my face on.”

So, this Monday, and every Monday after, let’s celebrate our inner beauty and save some time in the morning — or afternoon if you don’t have class. If you’re nervous, head to the Sloss House Women’s Center on campus and chat with other ladies who are doing the same thing. Of course, if you’re really excited, like me, head to the Sloss House anyway and buy a button to support the cause.

Even if it makes a few of us uncomfortable, use No Makeup Mondays as a way to step outside our boxes and comfort zones. Even if it’s just one day of the week, maybe it can lead to more, maybe a world where no one needs synthetic product to feel as beautiful on the outside as they are on the inside and know that we can all be loved just the way we are.