Police blotter 2.24.11

A staff member reported a missing door handle and pry marks to a door frame. (reported at 4:05 a.m.)

Wesley Gue, 22, 4118 Aplin Road, was arrested on a warrant, charging him with third degree theft. The original case, initiated on 01/20/11, involved the theft of a computer from Hamilton Hall. (reported at 9:10 a.m.)

Ping-Chuen Tang, 53, 123 Waterfront Drive, was arrested and charged with trespassing. (reported at 5:28 p.m.)

Gerald Davis, 39, 1017 Clark Ave., was arrested and charged with public intoxication. (reported at 7 p.m.)

Phillip McGruder, 36, of Des Moines, was arrested and charged with simple interference with official acts. (reported at 8:34 p.m.)

Three male juveniles were taken into custody and charged with fourth degree theft. A fourth male juvenile was taken into custody and charged with criminal trespassing for being on campus after being banned for committing a previous theft. All were referred to Juvenile Court Services and then released to the custody of an adult. (reported at 8:42 p.m.)

Matthew Christian, 52, of Prunedale, was arrested and charged with operating while intoxicated. (reported at 11:42 p.m.)