Editorial: Make a more elite Academy Awards or open it up?

Editorial Board

Whether people want to admit it or not, everyone is a food snob and a movie snob. Everyone eats and watches movies. Therefore, we have opinions and we have strong likes and dislikes.

And in movies, the snobbiest of the snobs is Oscar.

This year’s Academy Awards, which takes places Sunday, has 24 categories, therefore, only awarding a handful of people in the movie industry.

In comparison, the Grammys and the Emmys are composed of enough categories to require a separate ceremony where a large majority of the nominees are honored.

Twenty-four categories might not seem like that many, but upon further reflection, even this amount might be too many.

There are numerous award shows honoring film throughout the first few months of the year, such as the Screen Actors Guild, Writers Guild of America, the Independent Spirit Awards and the Golden Globes.

So, do some of the categories that only reflect a small scope of the movie industry need to be honored?

We like the Oscars as an elite awards show. There are plenty of award shows that already honor movies, so there is less need to award sub genres: comedies, musicals, fantasy and yes, even animation.

We all love animated movies — “Snow White,” “The Jungle Book,” “Beauty and the Beast,” “Aladdin,” etc. — but how often are these worthy a Best Picture Oscar? This is the 10th year for the best animated feature film category, and only two times has it had five nominations.

If we want the Oscars to be the mighty and elite, it’s time to say goodbye to Nemo, Wallace and Gromit, WALL-E, Mr. Incredible and the rest of the animated gang — but is “Avatar” or “Sin City” an animated movie?

It is time for the two best screenplay categories to be one single category, and the same goes for the documentary categories. And other award shows should grab the short films. They need more exposure because Oscar doesn’t do them justice.

We’ve also heard the good argument that best makeup should be merged with best visual effects because so much elaborate makeup work is now done with special effects. It’s worth a discussion.

However, part of us would like the Academy Awards to be an all-encompassing movie awards show. Like the Grammys, it would cover all the various genres and offer opportunities for people to walk away with more than one Oscar during a night.

Does Hollywood need a show like that or does that degrade Oscar too much? Hollywood may need one, but we love Oscar too much.

Yeah, we’re elitist.