Budget Memo #3 released
February 24, 2011
The Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost released Budget Memo #3, the budget and planning memo, Thursday.
The University’s proposed budget is at $228,133,348, with the house appropriation’s estimate at $207,611,237, a 9 percent reduction.
The governor’s budget suggests appropriations at $211,435,393, or a 7.3 percent cut.
The governor’s cuts would also eliminate $3.2 million in one-time funding that was appropriated in 2011 for the underground storage fund.
The memo said the Senate is scheduled to release its appropriation targets next week.
“State appropriation levels for the Regents continue to be uncertain. The legislative process is presently working with several funding scenarios for the Regent’s institutions,” according to the memo.
The memo said preliminary student enrollment for fall 2011 is “projected to be relatively stable when compared to fall 2010 enrollment. FY12 enrollment projections will be finalized in March.”
“With no clear indication of the size of the reduction to state appropriations and without approved tuition rates, it is challenging to assess the overall impact of these and other factors on the budgets for individual budget units,” according to the memo.
“Units should be developing alternatives and ideas with the expectation that they will have less funding for FY12 than for FY11. Some units may choose to plan for a larger or smaller possible reduction depending on their individual financial circumstances.”
The memo established that the 2010-2015 ISU strategic plan and the individual unit and strategic and operating plans must be the foundation for all of the planning that is done.