Outstanding female student to receive Kappa Alpha Theta High Flyer award

Mary-Kate Burkert

Exemplary leadership skills, involvement in university and professional organizations and outstanding community service will earn one woman $10,000 — the largest monetary leadership award offered at Iowa State.

For the first time, the Kappa Alpha Theta High Flyer award will be given to one female senior who embodies these characteristics.

“The award is intended to be a distinct recognition of outstanding female leaders on the Iowa State campus. It is intended to advance leadership in women, which also aligns with the signature qualities of Kappa Alpha Theta,” said Larissa Holtmyer Jones, vice president for development at the ISU Foundation.

The award, funded by gifts from 1950s pledge classes of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, must be granted to a female student with senior classification in the 2011-2012 academic year. Applicants must also have a 3.5 GPA.

A committee from Iowa State’s Division of Student Affairs selects a recipient with superb future career potential to receive the High Flyer award.

“It is the largest monetary leadership award offered at Iowa State University,” said Martha A. Tanner, assistant to the vice president for Student Affairs.

Members of the Gamma Pi chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta are not excluded from entry, but will not obtain special consideration. The account funding the award was created to “serve as a way to celebrate friendships and honor memories,” Jones said.

Their gifts are going to “contribute to the development of these new leaders, reward their outstanding commitments to the campus and community, and ultimately, encourage them to fulfill their leadership potential by going forward and pursuing successful careers,” Jones said.

The ideal candidate “will have not only a strong academic record but will also have sought out opportunities to develop herself as an exemplary leader in campus, community or professional organizations,” Tanner said.

The winner of the 2011-2012 High Flyer award will be recognized at a gathering May 1 at the Knoll.