Letter: Abortion is not the “right choice”

In response to your article, “Abortion on TV,” consider that perhaps we have all been deceived into thinking abortion is a viable option; that abortion is “the right choice.”

“A 34-year-old California man, Aaron Ashley was convicted of two counts of murder in the killings of his pregnant girlfriend and her unborn child. Ashley … wanted his partner to have an abortion.”

We live in a world that says it is OK to murder an unborn child as long as it is your own to kill. We live in a society that tells us this is the “right choice”. Aaron Ashley chose to murder his girlfriend and unborn child. Was that the right choice? Few people would question the malevolence of his actions, and yet, for the last 38 years the lives of millions have been taken because of lies. We have been deceived.

Planned Parenthood’s website states, “Only you can decide what is best for you. But we are here to help. A staff member at your local Planned Parenthood health center can discuss abortion and all of your options with you and help you find the services you need.” Do they really discuss all the options; do they really discuss the truth about abortion?

In an article by Amy R. Sobie titled, “The Risks of Choice,” Sobie discusses the physical and emotional problems associated with having an abortion. Physical complications include:

“…Uterine perforation, infection, excessive bleeding, embolism, anesthesia complications, convulsions, hemorrhage, cervical injury, endotoxic shock, fever, vomiting, and Rh sensitization … infertility, problems with future pregnancies, certain types of cancer and lower overall general health.”

Sobie also states that, “legal abortion is reported to be the fifth leading cause of maternal death in the U.S.” Among the physical, Sobie discusses the emotional complications of an abortion, stating:

“Women abort for many reasons: fear of losing a relationship, fear of disappointing their parents or partner, fear of not being able to raise a child or fear of losing control over their lives. Often those around them send the message that if they sacrifice ‘just this one thing,’ they can hang on to everything else in their lives. Unfortunately, what many women don’t realize is that they end up sacrificing part of themselves as well along with their children.”

If Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics around the world really do, “discuss abortion and all of your options,” then why is abortion even an option? If they really wanted to, “help,” it would seem that the rights of the woman and her overall emotional and physical health should be of primary concern. I am beginning to question what their primary concerns really are.

But what if this is a viable option, what if this is the “right choice”? If in fact this is the right choice, then I beg the question, “Why are there so many organizations throughout the country such as ‘Rachel’s Vineyard’ and ‘Silent No More,’ assisting women with the emotional and physical complications previously stated?”

The truth is that for many women the “right choice,” was the “only choice” because of the lack of information given them. For many women the “right choice,” involved being taken advantage of during a very vulnerable time. For many women the “right choice,” wasn’t the right choice after all. Let us not forget that the women affected by abortion are just as much victims as their unborn children. But, if the unborn are victimized, and the women of the unborn are victimized, where does that place you and me?

As Americans, we have allowed what is convenient to relieve us of responsibility. We are a society that has made “choosing” an act of convenience in our lives. What happened to the belief that our actions have consequences? What happened to being an adult? What happened to taking responsibility? If we haven’t taken the time to understand what choice we are making, how can we ever make the right one? Take responsibility, find the facts, learn the truth … is it the right choice?