Fitness Challenge: Moriah Smith, week 1

Moriah Smith

So, I’ve been dedicating time to working out for the past week and so far, I’m not noticing too much of a difference. However, results are never immediate. I’ve been doing Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred, and let me tell you, her workouts – all 20 minutes of it – are intense. I definitely felt those workouts the next day in my legs, who knew I could hold a squat or lunge for that long. 

Last Thursday, it was warm enough to actually run outside. That run, however challenging, was definitely the highlight of my workout week. Just being able to step outside my door and do something other than a workout video was really enjoyable. That run also made me realize how far back I slid by not running for two months. Hopefully the weather warms up enough that I can continue going outside. I don’t think that’s going to happen this week with the snow in the forecast for the next couple days though, unfortunately. 

Eating healthy has been my biggest struggle thus far. It’s so easy to just grab some food on my way home from work or go somewhere other than my apartment to eat with friends or while I’m doing homework. The weekends are the biggest battle with this situation, I always seem to get hungry for really unhealthy food in the wee hours of the morning. My goal for this upcoming week is to eat more at home, and therefore, eat healthier.