Fitness Challenge: Brian Smith, introduction
January 26, 2011
Brian Smith, Online Editor:
I’m in a different situation than most of the other people in the challenge. If you’ve ever met me, you’d know that I’m a scrawny little dude. I’m not looking to lose weight — in fact a medial professional would probably yell at me if I tried to lose any weight. My goal is to stick to a healthier diet and a regular exercise schedule. If I happen to gain some weight, I wouldn’t complain.
I’ve always eaten semi-decently. I don’t eat a lot of junk food, but I don’t eat nearly enough fruits and vegetables. High cholesterol runs in my family and I’ve tested borderline high before, so I have more motivation to watch my diet.
Exercise is an entirely different situation. I tried playing sports when I was a little kid, but it just wasn’t my thing. I probably didn’t exercise outside of a required gym class until I got to Iowa State. Second semester of my freshman year I finally started working out — and actually enjoying it. (Thanks to Jessie for helping me stick to a routine then!) I kept up the routine over the summer, but it died out my sophomore year and hasn’t ever returned in full force.
I’ve been doing a little bit better this semester — I’ve been to the gym at least once each week. Hopefully this challenge will keep me motivated and help me get into a routine again.