Letter: Adoption saves lives
grandma hand and kid hand
April 14, 2019
The reason why this topic is so important to me is because there is nothing being done, I feel like we are failing the children who need us the most. Our system is growing more and more due to families not being able to care for these children and it is impacting our system and the amount of resources we have to help these kids.
This is a very emotional topic also because we see/hear what goes on with certain children and all you want to do is help, but we need more families willing to adopt kids. If we found more families willing to adopt and made it affordable for the middle class, I feel our system would shrink and more children would have loving and safe homes.
Adoption is the social, emotional and legal process in which children will not be raised by their birth parents and become permanent legal members of another family. Depending on your role and perspective, adoption touches people in different ways.
Adoption is one of the greatest ways for loving, responsible couples to give unwanted children a happy home. The main problem however, is that there are too many children in our foster homes ready to be adopted but nobody is making change. When a family wants to adopt, they usually look for the color of their skin and their race.
In order to change this, we need open hearted, loving and caring people to take charge and make a difference in these children’s lives. Because if we don’t, nobody will. We need to remember that no matter the skin color or race we are all human and we all want to be loved.
As children grow and develop, the desire and curiosity for them to know their biological parents will also grow. Questions will come up of their eye color, hair color and their looks in general almost always arise. This information is very important to every human being, including adoptive youth. Therefore, adopting a child of color later down the road what will be helpful it talking to the child about where they come from and why.
Author’s Note: Julissa Saucedo is a Social work student at Our Lady of The Lake University taking the Social welfare class in order to complete their degree and help further their education to be able to assist children that are being neglected and abused. Adoption is a big topic for Julissa. The title “Adoption Saves Lives” is very blunt and straightforward because it is true adoption gives children another chance at life, with a brand new loving family that then helps them overcome the fears they had before and what is to come in the future but with love and support.