The search for a Campustown hashtag
January 27, 2011
LANE4 and its plans for Campustown are sure to be a big topic of dicussion in the Ames and Iowa State communities during the coming months. We want to help make it easier to be a part of that conversation by establishing a Twitter hashtag for tweets relating to the proposed renovations.
But, we need your help. We tried brainstorming for a few days and struggled to pick a good one. Let us know what your ideas for a hashtag are and help us pick the one that we’ll use.
A few requirements:
- Shorter, the better – Those 140 characters can run out quickly if the hashtag is too long.
- Unique – We don’t want to pick a hashtag that might have other uses. Our goal is to keep the hashtag focused on Campustown discussions.
- Neutral – There are lots of sides to the renovation plans and some people will be for them and others against. We want to establish a hashtag that both sides can use to join the conversation.
- Easy to remember – We want to encourage widespread participation in the hashtag, so we would like to make it easy for people to remember. Complicated abbreviations should be avoided.
If you’ve got an idea, we would love to hear it. Leave a comment on this post or tweet your suggestions at us (@iowastatedaily). I’ll be collecting ideas through the weekend and narrowing them down. Look for a poll on Monday to determine the final hashtag.