Ames is a great place to live

I love adventure. After graduating from Western Illinois University in Macomb, Illinois with a major and three minors I had plenty of opportunities to teach and coach in the 1960s. I settled in the Quad Cities. When my jobs ended I matriculated to Ames to work on a Masters in guidance and counseling at Iowa State finishing in 1975. In the interim I delivered Winnebagos to all parts of the United States and worked at a few jobs. I’ve been blessed to have traveled to each state and been in 35 countries.

Fast forward: I worked at the Hub on campus for more than five years,  retiring in 2001. Since then I’ve been substitute teaching in Ames and Ankeny and loving it. I’ve been gifted in interacting, entertaining and influencing young minds. Occasionally I travel delivering straight trucks out of terminals in California and Indiana. For many years I taught teens to drive and I love to drive myself.

Why is Ames such a great place to live?

First it’s the people, who are friendly and from all over the world — thank you Iowa State. There are cultural activities, a nationally ranked university, a splendid library, good public schools, a top notch police force, a well managed city council, a first class mayor and city manager, plenty of sports to participate in and watch, arts and musical; the list goes on and on. Oh yes, and Ada Hayden Park and lake where the fishing poles will line the banks as trout were introduced Nov. 19.

Forward backwards: From a spiritual standpoint Ames offers many varying centers of faith. When I first arrived on campus I witnessed a preacher near the Campanile.

I had accepted Jesus as my personal savior as a 16-year-old. My growth as a follower was sporadic at best. In attending noon Bible studies at the Memorial Union, starting to read the Bible and applying what I learned, I grew in my faith. The people I met at Stonebrook Community Church were genuine, but sinners just like me and became great friends.

I rediscovered my relationship with the Lord. That’s what the Christian life is about: a personal relationship with our creator, God. When a person admits his/her sins and asks for God’s forgiveness then asks Him to come into your heart you are born again. When death calls, then Heaven becomes your home, a great city Ames now becomes Jerusalem, the city of God.