Reflections on Homecoming 2010

Photo: Bryan Langfeldt/Iowa State Daily

Alex Menard, junior in anthropology and spanish, right, checks for homecoming buttons as patrons enter the food tent Tuesday on Central Campus. Students can buy their homecoming buttons for $5 at the front of the tent, and it is good for one lunch each day of the week.

Sarah Binder

Food on Campus has been the highlight of the year for Alex Menard and Lars Christianson, general co-chairpersons for Homecoming 2010. The lunches on Central Campus have attracted more than 1,000 people each day this week, despite heavy winds. 

The winds also posed a challenge for the greek pairings participating in the lawn display competition. Construction has been halted during the high wind warnings  the past few days.

“People will be up for 30 hours straight finishing their lawn displays, for sure,” Christianson said.

However, both co-chairpersons said they were pleased with how smoothly the events have gone this year. They attribute the success to the 23 people who have been working for close to a year to bring the celebration together: their committee members.

“The committee has been doing a ridiculously great job,” Christianson said.

Homecoming also partners with many local organizations and businesses to put on events, and the CySquad volunteers help to pull it all together.

The co-chairpersons said another highlight has been the tournaments. Nintendo 64 provided a fun twist, and gold division basketball was particularly competitive, but also respectful.

“Everyone has been so enthusiastic and appreciative, and just excited to participate, win or loose,” Menard said.

Many of the biggest events surrounding Homecoming each year — including the pep rally, exCYtement in the Streets, and mass Campaniling with fireworks — take place Friday night.

“I can’t believe it’s almost done. It’s bitter sweet. Actually, it’s very bitter,” Menard said.

Both said they plan to remain involved during their final Homecoming as students next year, though they will pass along their responsibilities to a new committee. Christianson will compete in tournaments once again with his house, Alpha Gamma Rho, and Menard plans to continue to increase non-greek involvement — one of her major goals from the year — by being involved with a gold division team.