Sisterhood strengthened through grilled cheese

Photo: David Livingston/Iowa State Daily

Kappa Delta will host Grilled Cheese with the KDs, from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Thursday. It costs $5 at the door, and all the proceeds will go toward Lupus Research.

Alayna Flor

Sisterhood is usually thought of as the childhood bond of two girls with the same blood and same set of parents, but the Kappa Delta sisterhood is much different: It’s their individual qualities and hardships they overcome together that makes them quite the untypical sisterhood.

One member knows from experience. 

“In September of 2007, I was diagnosed with lupus. I ended up having to take a semester off of school in order to go home for treatment,” said Katy Kramp, Kappa Delta president. “Although I was in this fight by myself, my sisters in their true spirit weren’t going to sit back and do nothing, which is where “Grilled Cheese with the KDs” was created.” 

Each year, all chapters of the greek community put on philanthropy events for a cause of their choice. Kappa Delta sisters changed their philanthropy to raise money for the Lupus Foundation, in honor of their sister Katy, and hosted Grilled Cheese With the KDs.

“When she got sick, we decided to raise the money for her. It was a big deal that the whole house showed her how strong of a sisterhood she had,” said Sara Schlueter, philanthropy chairwoman of Kappa Delta and sophomore in pre-journalism and mass communication. “Grilled cheese is simple and really good. It’s an easy way to get a lot of people to come to our philanthropy.” 

“Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body, and the signs and symptoms tend to last longer than six weeks and often for many years,” according to the Lupus Foundations website. Lupus makes it very difficult for anyone with it to fight off even the common cold, and there is no cure for it.

“We raise money for the Lupus Foundation because lupus is something that effects a lot of people and because we do it in honor of our sister,” Schlueter said. “This is something close to home and personal. It shows how much how we really care.” 

This year will be the fourth year that Kappa Delta holds its grilled cheese event, working hard each year to make it bigger than the last. The ladies have raised $6,000 so far and aim to make this year a huge success.

“With the efforts of Kappa Delta raising money toward the research, hopefully someday soon they will know more about this disorder,” Kramp said. “Each member of our chapter is personally invested in this philanthropy seeing as it impacts them everyday having a sister dealing with Lupus.”

The event will take place Thursday night, and patrons can buy tickets for $5 at the door, or $4 beforehand from a member.

“There will be a DJ and a grilled cheese eating contest at midnight,” Kramp said. “There is a lot of dedication and long hours that go into making sure things go off without a hitch. Of course the night of there is endless hour of grilled-cheese-making, which is always fun.”

Kappa Delta plans on continuing this philanthropy, even though it is bitter sweet for Kramp because it is her last year as an active member. She will graduate in the spring with a degree in hotel, restaurant and institution management.

“It’s such a neat feeling to know I have all of these women supporting me in everything I do. I know they have my back through whatever life throws at me,” Kramp said.