Duff Avenue gas leak repaired, CyRide returns to normal routes

UPDATE: According to a tweet from CyRide, the gas leak has been repaired and all CyRide routes are operating on their normal routes.


A gas leak occured on Duff Avenue between Seventh Street and 13th Street on Wednesday morning.

Construction began in the area Sept. 14 for sanitary sewer repair, curb and gutter replacement, reconstruction of the Ninth Street intersection, sidewalk ramp replacement and milling and overlay with new asphalt on the existing driving lane.

CyRide’s red No. 1 route will detour off Duff Avenue between the two streets until further notice, according the transportation service’s website.

Red west will travel aouth on Duff Avenue to 13th Street, then west on 13th to Kellogg Avenue, east on Ninth Street to Douglas Avenue and south on Douglas Avenue to Fifth Street.

Red East will continue north on Duff Avenue to Seventh Street, east on Seventh Street to Carroll Avenue, then north on Carroll Avenue to 13th Street and west on 13th Street to Duff Avenue.

Continue to check iowastatedaily.net for more information.

— Daily Staff